Maybe you’re not content in daily activities like watching your favorite TV show or playing your favorite sport anymore. Perhaps you are truly apathetic and are not even able to get out of bed for hours each day or even show up to work. We offer a viable solution that will really help you get out of the rut! You deserve relief from your crippling depression. We offer a variety of effective options at our depression treatment centers, including group therapy, individual counseling, community activities or a number of things that you may not be doing now that get you out of your comfort zone. This may be the last thing you want to do but you do want to get better right? Well in order to progress through this you will have to get uncomfortable in order to be happy again. We have studied depression for years and even been through bouts ourselves at points in time. Talking to someone does help believe it or not. It may be the last thing you would want to do but believe us there is a solution!
Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death of individuals in the U.S. between the ages of 15 to 29. 1 in 10 Americans struggle with depression you are not alone! You truly will not be alone here at Vanguard. You will be treated along side other people that are going through exactly what you are right now!
Depression can cause lack of interest, lack of motivation, discontentment, fatigue, lack of appetite, turning to substances or other unhealthy behaviors as well as a number of other things that effect our lives negatively. We know because we have been there and have lived to tell the tale and help others that are struggling now! This is why we offer dual diagnosis treatment.
For many people suffering from depression, the disease is fully in control of their lives. It determines how they feel, what they think and ultimately how they behave. It’s more than just feeling sad on occasion — it’s a serious medical condition with mental and physical symptoms that can have severe effects on daily life. One of the most common myths about depression is that you can push through these feelings if you try hard enough, but it’s important to realize that depression is not your fault. It isn’t all in your head — it’s a very real illness that can be treated with the right help. Seeking out depression treatment from caring, experienced professionals can be the key to unlocking this disease’s grip on your life.
If you’re suffering from depression or anxiety, you may experience any or all of the following symptoms:
We offer a variety of effective options at our depression treatment centers, including group therapy, individual counseling, community activities or a number of things that you may not be doing now that get you out of your comfort zone. It may be the last thing you want to do but it’s a crucial step on the journey to improvement. Even though the process may be uncomfortable at times, getting help can lead you to a better, happier life. We have studied depression for years and even been through bouts ourselves at points in time. Talking to someone does help, whether you believe it or not. We know that there is a solution!
Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death of individuals in the U.S. between the ages of 15 to 29. 1 in 10 Americans struggle with depression, so you are not alone! You truly will not be alone here at Vanguard. You will be treated alongside other people that are going through exactly what you are right now!
Depression can cause lack of interest, lack of motivation, discontentment, fatigue, lack of appetite, turning to substances or other unhealthy behaviors as well as a number of other things that effect our lives negatively. We know because we have been there and have lived to tell the tale and help others that are struggling now! This is why we offer dual diagnosis treatment.
Depression can be a tough beast to manage. There are many reasons why someone could be experiencing depression, but one thing that can worsen is when you feel like you don’t have anyone to talk to about it or any support. We are here to help you get through this. Nobody said it was going to be easy and you aren’t going to have to put in some work, but it is possible.
Make Your Way Over to Vanguard Behavioral and Let Us Take Care of You
Depression is a mental health disorder that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. Living with a mental illness can be hard, but our depression therapy can help! Vanguard Behavioral specializes in residential treatment for depression in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Being a part of a healthy rehabilitation community trying to solve the problem is the answer!
Depression Treatment in Albuquerque
We have a complete center for depression treatment in Albuquerque. Here, you or a loved one will receive the same level of support for mental health and/or addiction struggles. Our Albuquerque location provides residential inpatient services as well as outpatient treatments designed to help patients reach a healthy state of mind and learn strategies that will help them maintain more control over their lives.
3655 Carlisle Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
For more information on our depression treatment services, contact us today!