Addiction Intervention Specialists in Albuquerque, NM
Intervention for Addiction and Mental Health
An intervention is a planned event organized by family & friends with an interventionist that is designed to encourage someone with addiction or a mental health diagnosis get treatment. Sometimes the individual needing treatment is unaware or in denial of how their addiction or mental illness impacts others. In other circumstances the person has resisted or avoided getting help, resulting in family and friends being concerned for the life and wellbeing of the individual.
When considering interventions for substance use disorders or mental health as a means to encourage someone to enter treatment, it’s important to have the support of a team of experienced professionals that takes a family systems approach. Often times an interventionist can be the initial catalyst for change by helping a family establish a plan for how to best help their loved one. A well designed intervention shows the individual that you care about them and that you recognize that they need help. Families will also work with the interventionist through a drug intervention program to set up healthy boundaries that hopefully encourage your loved one to get the help that they need.
What is an Interventionist?
What Happens After an Intervention?
Following an intervention, chances are your loved one will enter treatment and begin their journey of recovery. For families there is still a lot of work to be done. Because of the damage addiction and mental illness can have on a family system, we encourage families to get continued support for themselves. The intervention specialists we work with provide families with continuing education and support well beyond their mental health or substance abuse interventions, so that the whole family system can rebalance and heal. This approach to recovery provides both the loved one in treatment as well as the family the best chance at sustained lifelong recovery.
Vanguard Behavioral Health has a qualified and experienced team of addiction interventionists and mental health interventionists in Albuquerque, NM. If you or someone you love is looking for substance abuse, mental health or dual diagnosis treatment, get in touch with us today.